
TypeScript utility types

These types can be helpful, especially when working with generated types from APIs.

/** * Make all properties in TType required and non-nullable * @example * Definite<{ foo?: string | null }> // => { foo: string } */ export type Definite<TType> = Required<{ [TKey in keyof TType]: NonNullable<TType[TKey]>; }>; /** * Same as Pick, but all picked properties are required and non-nullable * @example * PickDefinite<{ bar?: string | null, foo?: string | null, }, 'bar'> * // => { bar: string } */ export type PickDefinite<TType, TKey extends keyof TType> = Definite< Pick<TType, TKey> >; /** * Retrieve the type of a single property from a type or interface * @example * type BarType = Take<{ foo: string, bar?: string }, 'bar'> * // => string | null | undefined */ export type Take<TType, TKey extends keyof TType> = TType[TKey];

Published: July 30, 2021 at 1:00 AM